Who's Who
Our School Staff
We have a very committed staff who work hard together to share skills and expertise. Therefore, although we operate a class teacher system, the children benefit from all the teachers’ strengths and abilities:
- Headteacher: Gill White
- Teachers: Kimberley Carter, Laura Morris, Alda Walton, Kyle Beaty, Gill Curry, Emma Roden and Jim Boyle
- SEN Coordinators: Gill White, Danielle Tuite
- Teaching Assistants: Katie Burrow, Pat Mitchell, Shirley Hird, Ellie Lockwood, Josie Sanderson and Amy Gibson
The school is also very well served by equally dedicated non-teaching support staff, who fill very important roles in the life and work of the school:
- School Business Manager: Jenny Harrison (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday)
- School Secretary: Kyle Beaty (Monday & Tuesday)
- After School Club Leader: Nicola Berry
- After School Club Assistant: Sara Gibson, Pat Mitchell, Josie Sanderson and Ellie Lockwood
- Breakfast Club: Nicola Berry
- Cleaner in Charge: Asia Thompson
- Assistant Cleaner: Linda Ireland
- Midday Supervisors: Helen Todd, Nicola Berry, Cheryl Major and Amy Gibson
- I.T. Technician: Steve Pratt
Other support services are used by the school when applicable. These include the Educational Psychologist, Speech Therapist, School Librarian, Education Welfare Officer, School Medical Service, and the Community Police Officer. All staff take a very professional approach to the education of your child and would wish to work closely in partnership with you.