Our Early Years
St Oswald’s is one of the few schools in the area that has provision for children as young as 2 years old. We have a fantastic Early Years area that is well resourced with everything that your child will need to learn and grow.
The children who join us when they are 2 tend to stay with us throughout their entire Primary School life, this gives them a huge sense of belonging and safety as they progress through the school because they have grown to know the school as a nurturing and friendly place to learn.
2 Year Olds
Our pre school is open for 2 year olds every weekday morning 9am-12. Run by Shirley Hird our purpose built pre-school room has many exciting aspects for toddlers, along with a wonderful, safe and enclosed outdoor space which provides areas for water play, sand, mud, bikes and gardening it has everything for your growing child.
3 Year Olds
Nursery sessions for 3 year olds run Monday - Friday mornings and Monday - Thursday afternoons (Friday afternoons available from Christmas 2021).
During their early years, children learn most effectively through exploration, play and interaction with other children and adults. This is reflected in the organisation of the day in the Early Years class. Learning is, however, very carefully planned and structured to ensure progression.
Nursery and Pre-School activities
Playdough Recipe
Lakeland Maze Farm Park