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St Oswald's CE Primary School

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St Oswald's CE Primary School

OPAL - Outdoor Play and Learning

OPAL - Outdoor Play and Learning

St Oswald's School are excited to be working together with OPAL to improve our grounds to give the pupils the best playtimes possible! 


Why Is Play Important? 

Playing contributes to growth in a variety of areas such as, language, arts, culture, science, maths and technology and, therfore, is a vital part of a young person's development. Working together with OPAL, we hope to introduce a variety of areas specialised to different play types. 

What Is a Play Type? 

Play Types can simply be described as the different behavioiurs we can see when children are playing. 

Play Zones 

Within our grounds, we are beginning to introduce different play zones to provide a range of play types for the children to access. These include: 

  • Loose Parts Zone 
  • Small World PLay 
  • Dressing Up Zone 
  • Den Building Play 


Play Zones

Our play zones give the children the best opportunity to develop their imagination, social skills, confidence and friendships. There is a vast range of activities for the children to engage with and learn with.

 Small World Zone   
