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St Oswald's CE Primary School

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St Oswald's CE Primary School

3 Year Olds

Nursery sessions for 3 year olds run Monday - Friday mornings and afternoons from 8:50am - 2:50pm


If your child's third birthday falls between:

Your child will become eligible from:

1 January and 31 MarchThe start of the Summer Term (April)
1 April and 31 AugustThe start of the Autumn Term (September)
1 September and 31 DecemberThe start of the Spring Term (January)


The government is introducing new ways to help parents with childcare costs. 
Whether you have toddlers or older children, you could get support.

For further information and to check your entitlement, please follow the link below.



You may be entitled to free childcare places or EYPP. Please follow the website link for more information and where you will find application forms for funding.

Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)


Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) is extra government funding that supports children's development, learning and care.

The extra funding which is paid to the free entitlement provider can be used to assist the improvement of a child's early education. For example, by investing in additional staff training and resources to help enhance and further expertise in specialised areas, such as speech and language.

Early Years Pupil Premium child and family eligibility criteria

Eligible Children are:

Their family is in receipt of:

·Income-based Jobseeker Allowance

·Income-related Income support

·Employment and Support Allowance

·Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

·The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit

·Child Tax Credit (provided they're not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)

·*Working Tax Credit run-on, which is paid for 4 weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit

·Universal Credit (net income threshold up to £7,400 per annum)

*If the family is in receipt of Working Tax Credit for more than the 4 weeks 'run-on', then the family do not meet the qualifying criteria

·Your child has been looked after by a local authority for one day or more

·Your child has been adopted from care

·Your child has left care under a special guardianship order or residence order

If any of the above applies to you please print and return the following application to your Free Entitlement Provider
