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St Oswald's CE Primary School

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St Oswald's CE Primary School


  • During school hours please phone the school office (Monday - Thursday 8.00am to 4.30pm, Friday 8am to 4pm)
  • If out of school office hours please email admin@st-oswalds.cumbria.sch.uk. Please title your email ‘Positive CV19 test’.
  • Include in your email your child’s name, form, your contact phone numbers, when the child first displayed symptoms and the date and time of test. The email address is checked daily and we will get back in touch as soon as possible.

COVID 19 Letters to Parents/Carers

Start of the day drop off locations


Children need to be dropped off at the correct entrances. Parents will not be able to enter the school building but staff will be outside to welcome the children. In the morning please could you drop older children off first and younger children second. We will allow a longer start time to allow for this.


If you need to talk to a member of staff please come to the porch or contact Jenny in the office by phone or email.


EYFS, Class 1Red door in car park8:45 - 9:05
Class 2Green gate in Howgill Close8:45 - 9:00
Class 3Brown Gate Car Park8:45 - 9:00
Class 4Kissing Gate8:45 - 9:00


End of day pick up locations


Children need to be picked up from the following places. Please can we ask that the younger children are picked up first.


EYFS, Class 1Red door in car park2:50 - 3:10
Class 2Green gate in Howgill Close3:15
Class 3Brown Gate Car Park3:15
Class 4Kissing Gate3:15


Breakfast and After School Clubs


Breakfast ClubBreakfast club roomDrop-off at red door
After Schol ClubActivity RoomPick up at the porch


Both Breakfast and After School Club provision will be offered, for the usual times (from 8am with breakfast or 8:30am without and from end of school times up to 5:00pm). Pupils should be dropped off or collected following the procedure outlines above. Please note the new requirements that parents/carers will be expected to let us know (via email or phone call to the office) if you wish to book places at least 1 day in advance to enable us to provide staff. We may be able to provide emergency cover at this time, but it is not always possible.


Please note that there will be a bell to ring for pick ups (front porch) but PLEASE be patient if no-one answers straight away.
